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paragrafThe participation in the legislative process to represent the broad interests of the Polish cosmetic industry is the primary objective of

The Association was founded in 2002 in order to make sure, on the eve of Poland’s accession to the European Union, that the EU law is implemented in the Polish reality in the best possible way.

At first we operated mostly nationally, using the support of our partner – the Lewiatan Confederation. However, over the almost 15 years of our activity, our role and tasks in the legislative process have changed, and the position of the Association as a representative of the cosmetic industry has been growing.

Stairs Up-50 (1)

Today, the position of is much stronger.


We are consulted by public administration bodies (Ministry of Development, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance) in their actions.

We are an opinion-forming centre for both the environment of cosmetic manufacturers and for the European Commission officials, also as a member of the European industry organisation – Cosmetics Europe. We influence the opinions of the European Parliament.

We review all Polish and EU legislative measures related to the cosmetic sector and we continuously monitor the legislative process. Together with the member companies, we draw up interpretations of the law, published in the form of guides and guidelines.
High Importance-64
We encourage you to take a look at the lobbying activities of our Association over the years in Lobbying/legislative activity, and to read the and How do we work? tabs.