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Invitation for General Reporting and Electoral Meeting

We sincerely invite you to participate in the Union’s  most important event of the year, which will take place on 12th June, 2024, in Warsaw - General Reporting and Electoral Meeting.

During the first part of the meeting, our team will present reports, and you all will elect new Union’s authorities. The second part of the day will be filled with a presentations during which we will premiere a report on the current state of the cosmetics industry and engage in discussions with special guests. The whole event will conclude with networking late afternoon.

We strongly encourage you to registrate and actively participate in this unique, held only once every three years meeting! Your presence is crucial for determining the future direction of the Polish Union of the Cosmetics Industry in the next term.

Registration of a participant with voting rights [click]
Registration of other participants [click]

You cannot miss this meeting!


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